Try AI with Junglemap today

In three easy steps you will have your NanoLearning course ready and distributed to your targeted audience.

1. Just pick a topic, your preferred number of lessons and language – and let our specialized AI create a first draft.

2. Then make your own edits and quality check, add your branded colour and fonts.

3. Add your recipients and set your distribution plan. All set to go!

With Junglemap AI Trial you get a 14-day access to our AI Feature with the possibility of distributing a finalised course to up to 10 recipients. 


Try AI with Junglemap now – register here!

This is Junglemap AI

We just added AI to our platform. Our AI is designed and prompted to create high quality NanoLearning content.

New release!
Icon with a question mark and an exclamation mark in two speech bubbles with a dollar sign on a coin-icon

Put policies into practice

You know the policy documents that everyone should read, but no-one does? Let our AI turn your policies into bite-sized courses. Turn your policies into practice.

Icon showing american graduation hat on top of a desktop computer

Specialized and trained

Our AI-feature is trained and prompted to deliver lessons and courses based on 20 years of experience in making NanoLearning from Junglemap.

Green check mark inside a gear

Human quality assurance

You know your audience and the context. Let AI do the basic work so you can focus on ensuring quality and tonality.

Icon with two upward pointing arrows surrounded by an infinity sign

Introduction to content production

Prompting is key for high quality courses. Our Content Team offers introductions to content production and AI-prompting.

Icon showing an arrow and a green plus button

Create content from scratch

What are the needs of your organization? What's stuck in your pipeline? Use AI to create the content you need to get going.

Icon in white and blue showing a padlock

Safe and secure

We don't use customer data to train, retrain or improve the models in our AI-feature. Customer data sent to Azure OpenAI remains within the Azure OpenAI service.

Get in touch!

Do you want to know more about how we can help you and your organisation? We are happy to help you. Fill out the form or email us at: 

Frequently asked Questions

Is data input shared with OpenAI?

What languages are supported?

What kind of documents can be uploaded?