
Fight human impulses. Strengthen your STAR behavior!

As much as 8 out of 10 of all data breaches are caused by bad user behavior. Often because we don't stop and think. Counteracting human impulses is a very important part of building a strong security culture. STAR behavior is a key to succeeding in this effort, says Joakim Hvalby, Program Manager Information Security at Junglemap.

Information security
Fight human impulses. Strengthen your STAR behavior!

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According to the Verizon 2022 Data Breach Investigations report, as much as 82 percent of all data breaches are partly due to our human behaviors and mistakes. And international security experts predict that cyber-attacks targeting us users are the type of cybercrime that will continue to increase in the coming years.

This is a development that clearly shows how important it is that we place the end user and our human behaviors first when working with information security. Information security is not an IT issue. It's about creating a safety culture where all the organization's employees increase their awareness - and counteract their human impulses.

Reinforce STAR behavior
We are now launching the 2023 version of Junglemap's Information Security Awareness course.

It is fundamentally based on strengthening what we call STAR behavior:

  • Stop – Don’t act on impulse.
  • Think - Assess the risk of the current situation.
  • Ask - a colleague or manager for advice.
  • React - Report incidents, risk factors, etc.

The STAR model may seem obvious. But both growth and innovations across industries are driven by digitization based on the condition that we as end users shouldn’t need to understand or know how the IT-systems actually work. Only how to use them. "All you need is a finger" as someone put it.

This means that the STAR model must lead to action. Every day. Year round. Because information security is nothing companies simply introduce. It is something that all employees do.

NanoLearning as a method is about creating and maintaining this awareness - all year round. This is how we create a safety behavior where we stop, think, dare to ask and react when we see things that seem suspicious. This is how we change behavior in the long term - and counteract our human impulses.

Jenny Peters
Article   November 18 2022