”Cybersecurity work needs more carrots than sticks.”

How can countries and regions improve the state of cybersecurity? According to security experts Arno van den Hof, country representative for Junglemap in the Netherlands, Mats Hultgren, Director of Operations at Truesec and Robert Willborg, CISO at Junglemap we need to use more carrots than sticks to make organizations to improve their cybersecurity.

Information security

We don’t need any more legislation when it comes to cybersecurity. But the legislation needs to be more updated, agile and the processes up to speed, to be relevant and useful. Otherwise, the legislation might be contra productive when implemented, says Mats Hultgren.

Robert Willborg points out that there are several laws in place targeting cyber-crimes. But there’s a lack of initiatives to urge organizations to create and maintain awareness.

October 13 2022