Case   September 19 2022

”NanoLearning keeps your knowledge up to date”

Insurance company PRI started with Junglemap's information security course, but quickly realized that NanoLearning can be used for so much more. Today, PRI runs recurring NanoLearning courses around several of the regulations that an insurance company needs to comply with. - We have a rolling annual plan that we review and update, says Anna Lunin, communications manager at PRI.

Information security
Woman instructing a man in front of computer screens in office.

As head of communications, Anna Lunin knows what challenges there are in reaching out with information and training in compliance matters. An article on the intranet hardly makes any difference and gathering everyone for a training session often feels too cumbersome. When PRI tested Junglemap's standard course in information security, they saw that the method is an excellent fit for several of the regulations that employees at PRI need to know and know.

Today, 4–5 recurring compliance-driven courses run in NanoLearning annually. In addition, PRI has used the method to communicate about everything from evacuation routines to writing rules and graphic profiles.
- It's a very good way to share knowledge, and above all to keep your knowledge alive and up to date, notes Anna Lunin.

Most of the knowledge PRI shares via NanoLearning is also available on the organization's intranet. The NanoLearning gives an insight into what it is all about and often refers to the intranet to read more if necessary. For those who need to have access to knowledge at a given time, it is more natural to search on the intranet.

Internal working group does the work

PRI now has an internal working group that reviews and plans the various NanoLearning efforts. Two people handle the actual adaptation and publication in the platform, and experts from different units add updated content.

In cases where NanoLearning is included as part of PRI's compliance, the person responsible for reporting gets access to statistics on the implementation. However, they have not yet added any types of effect measurements to the courses.
- It's something we can definitely improve and look at going forward, says Anna Lunin.

Several courses in parallel

At the same time that PRI conducts its own NanoLearning courses, they continue with an adapted version of Junglemap's standard course in information security. The 19 lessons that the course contains can be experienced as comprehensive and the first idea was to roll out the lessons twice a week, and then start other training courses.
- But in dialogue with our CSM at Junglemap, we came to the conclusion that it is better to run two courses at the same time than to "run everything at once", notes Anna Lunin. It's about creating awareness - and that needs time.

Three insights

Icon symbolizing repetition

Keep the knowledge up to date year round

Create an yearly plan for your NanoLearning efforts.

Icon symbolizing reflection

Awareness is built over time

Don't push all the information at once. Run parallel courses.

Icon showing several avatars on a green background

Get the organization involved

Let experts contribute to the course content.

Case   September 19 2022