News   October 09 2023

New course on Security and Privacy by Design

Organizations need to prioritize security and privacy. Tagore and Junglemap are now releasing a course on Security and Privacy by Design (SPbD).

Information security
Portraits of Nils Ivar Skaalerud and Andreas Hegna

Nils Ivar Skaalerud, COO and founder Junglemap, Andreas Hegna, CEO Tagore.

– Our new course teaches managers and teams how to build security and privacy into every step of the development process, and in line with regulations, says Nils Ivar Skaalerud, COO and founder at Junglemap. 

Earlier this year, Tagore and Junglemap released a role-based course on OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks,  targeting product and development teams. With the release of a new course on Security and Privacy by Design, we now offer a course package with the same purpose.
– Managers at all levels need to be aware of the risks and requirements, and support the developers, says Andreas Hegna, CEO at Tagore. We hope that this course package can be a useful tool in doing this. 

Together, the courses foster a common understanding throughout the organization, emphasizing application risks, security requirements, preparing for incident response and business enablement.

Security and privacy activities are crucial, given the constantly evolving threat landscape and the potential consequences of a breach. By incorporating security and privacy at each step in the development process teams are enabled to adopt a "shift left"-approach, to manage application security risks early, improving efficiency, while supporting business goals and maintaining compliance.
– This course teaches teams how to build security and privacy into every step of the development process and will help organizations protect their reputation, support the business strategy, save costs, and ensure compliance with regulations at every step of the way, says Nils Ivar Skaalerud.

Dynamic and instant reports

Managers of course need proof that their team completes lessons, passes knowledge tests and reflects on the course content. Through the Junglemap platform user statistics can be displayed at every level – from company-wide to department and down to the individual — and can be exported as report sheets for presentation purposes.

News   October 09 2023